Monday, January 4, 2010


Another cold day.  I'm averaging about 10 pictures a day, which is quite low actually.  I will take about 4-500 pictures per hour and half photo shoot.  I'm not sure if people realize how many pictures a photographer will take to get that one shot.  Most of their pictures will land in the trash bin.  That has been one advantage the average person has with digital photography.  They are able to take tons of pictures.  However, I don't think most edit and really go through their photos.  I know I've been guilty of that.  That is another benefit of this project of mine.  It's forcing me to throw away shots I've taken and really find the best one.  

For this photo, I was going for the ordinary.  I love patterns and lines.  I love taking a picture of something ordinary and making it beautiful.  There are so many ordinary things in our lives that are really beautiful if we stop and look at it.  Many times it takes just looking at something from a different angle.

Also, this photo was not edited much.  I just did a "boost color" one level up on iPhoto. 


  1. "I love taking a picture of something ordinary and making it beautiful. There are so many ordinary things in our lives that are really beautiful if we stop and look at it. Many times it takes just looking at something from a different angle."

    Though you are talking about photography here, there is a lot in there that is true about the Christian life! :) God takes ordinary people like us, and makes our life beautiful if we allow Him. I know for me right now, I really appreciate your encouragement in this. Some days are tough, but looking at things from a different angle gives a different perspective, even if we don't know what God is up to! From his perspective he has it all worked out!

    Katie- I'm enjoying seeing your "photo a day"... I don't always see them every day, but catch up when I can. Good work and keep it coming! :)

    Love, Angela

  2. Angela! So good to see you on here! Thanks for looking at my photos! And I definitely agree with you about the parallels and how God can take sometime or someone ordinary and turn it into something beautiful. What a great thing to think about today!
